Advertising Content and Approvals

Advertising Content Standards

The following standards will be utilized to guide and accept advertisements on CyForce Digital Media’s billboard.

About Us:

  • CyForce Digital Media (CyForce) offers digital ads on Highway II in Central Alberta bordering the City of Lacombe.
  • CyForce supports advertisers to create ads that meet our standards, Provincial and Federally related codes and guidelines.

Ad Review Process:

  • All ads will be reviewed and approved by CyForce prior to signing of a contract.
  • CyForce can decline adds that do not meet outlined standards.
  • Perceived opinions in displayed advertisements do not reflect those of CyForce.
  • CyForce requires final consent from the advertiser prior to displaying the advertisement publicly.
  • For technical details, refer to “Product Specification Sheet” as found on

Additional Reviews:

  • In some cases, additional considerations of the landowners, local authorities, provincial and/or other related parties might be sought and form part of a decision of approval of ads.

Non-English Ads:

  • Advertisers must provide a translation in English.
  • If not, CyForce will translate it, at the advertiser’s expense.
  • Content will be reviewed based on the translated Advertisement.

Legal Compliance:

  • Ads must comply with Canadian trademark, copyright, patent, and intellectual property laws.
  • Ads must avoid traffic control images.
  • Ads must not include offensive language, symbols, or images.
  • Ads must not include graphic sexual content or nudity.

Must-Follow Rules:

  • Ads must not:
  • Discriminate based on race, origin, religion, sex, or age;
  • Support or incite violence;
  • Demean or disparage people or groups;
  • Undermine human dignity or public decency standards.

Advocacy Advertising:

  • Advocacy ads may discuss controversial issues and do not reflect those of CyForce.
  • Ads must clearly state the advertiser’s name, responsible party, and contact info.
  • Ads must be truthful and not attack opposing views.
  • Ads must not refer to current or ongoing geopolitical events.

Respecting Communities:

  • CyForce aims to avoid negative impacts on communities.
  • CyForce attempts to ensure ads aren’t targeting specific groups or individuals negatively.

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